When people think of microbial contamination, normally the conversation is around old food or something more organic. You don’t often think about your HVAC equipment. We want to talk to you a little bit today about microbial contamination in your ductless mini splits, how it happens, and how mini split cleanings can prevent it in your system.
Microbial contamination is an infestation of microorganisms that are harmful to your health. Some of these contaminents include mold, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Mold and fungi typically grow in dark, damp places, and you hardly even notice them until you start looking for it. Bacteria and viruses are so small they are microscopic, and aren’t seen by the human eye.
The point is, you probably don’t realize you are dealing with these issues, but may start noticing the symptoms they bring along. You may have more breathing issues, or are starting to become ill more frequently.
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Like we mentioned, these contaminants like moist, dark places. This makes a ductless mini split a perfect breeding ground for microbial contamination. The inside of your mini split is dark, are rarely gets any sunlight. You combine that with the fact that condensation can build on your system, leaving moisture in tough to reach areas.
These factors can be the catalysts to microbial growth. Even if you are cleaning your air filters, which you should every month, it doesn’t prevent this gowth.
Unless your system is filthy (which we’ve seen some), then it’s tough to tell if your system hasmicrobial contamination. There are a few things you can keep an eye out for to help you identify if your system is having a problem:
The most obvious sign is mold in your system. Sometimes it is clearly visible, and it’s easy to see that your system is dirty.
If your system is starting to slip a little, it could be due to a buildup of mold and mildew. You may notice it’s not working as well as it used to, and this could mean it’s time for a cleanout.
If you are seeing an increase in coughs, colds, and respiratory related illnesses in your home,this could be the source of the problem. You may also notice that you are simply more tired anddrowsy. This could all be related to toxic mold.Read More: 5 Ways to remove allergens in your homeHow To Avoid Microbial Contamination In Your Ductless Mini Split
To avoid microbial contamination in your ductless mini splits, we recommend a yearly deepcleaning. In the past, to clean your mini split it meant taking it completely apart and wiping the whole system down.
Today, we have a deep cleaning system that gets every nook and cranny of your mini split. With a combination of cleaning solution, and a high pressure water system, we are able to clean out the dirtiest of mini splits, and make sure the air it’s producing is clean and healthy to breathe.
Some systems can go 2 years without a deep cleaning, as long as your filters are changed andcleaned regularly. Each ductless unit can be a little different depending on where it is in yourhome, the climate it’s in, how often it’s run, etc.
We recently saw a system with a bunch of black mold in it, while another unit in the housebarely had any. This was simply due to the location in the house and how often each system was run.
The best thing you can do is schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system, and aservice technician should be able to let you know if you need a deep cleaning or not.
You should clean your ductless mini split filters once a month. We mentioned this already, butthese cleanings alone won’t prevent this microbial contamination, but it will certainly help reduceit, and improve the air inside this mini split zone.
You can easily take out the fitlers in these systems, rinse them with a little soap and warm water, then dry them off before replacing them. It’s a very simple process that takes only a few minutes.
This easy maintenance is one of the best parts of a ductless mini split, and certainly helps youmaintain clean, healthy air. Once again, you will STILL need a deep cleaning once every year ortwo, but that doesn’t mean you should slack on your filter cleanings!
Compass Heating and Air Conditioning is an expert when it comes to mini split cleaning in Elgin, IL. We also repair, install, and service ducltess mini split systems all around the area. We are a big believer in ductless systems for both homes and businesses in our area.
If you have any questions about your home comfort, give us a call at (630) 504-8688